Born in the age of floppy disks

and raised in the era of TikTok,

Good Trouble Studios bridges the best of both worlds.

We are a social impact consulting group and social enterprise that is passionate about innovative solutions, yet grounded in experience; we're the Millennial-Gen Z fusion ready to revolutionize your business.

Millennials and Gen Z are the future of work and our world- 

- We are different from our parents and grandparents’ generations – and that’s a good thing.  We are digital natives, 

more socially conscious,  and natural disruptors of the status quo.  We’re eager to collaborate and co-create

innovative solutions that break out of these ridiculous (and restrictive) silos and boxes that we’re put in.

We are not being used to our fullest potential, making us an untapped asset toward our shared success -

So the only question that remains is will you adapt and leverage our unique value add?

We’re Bold,

Collaborative and

Intentional AF

Good Trouble Studios is unique in our ability to offer both support in harnessing the power of the Millennials and Gen Z already working for you, and the team of diverse and multi-faceted Millennials and Gen Z who can bring your next great strategy and silo-breaking solution.

For forward-thinking organizations and brands who want to effectively take part in social issues, communicate their values, amplify impact, and look good doing it.

Good Trouble Studios is an impact studio from the makers of #oncanadaproject. With a legacy in online activism and movement building, we help companies expertly join the conversation and create meaningful social impact in the workplace, society, and beyond.

Social impact is a team sport, and no one can solve inequality in a vacuum. This means we tap into a collective of experts, strategists and grassroots communities to bring meaningful and integrated solutions to the table.

Together we co-design solutions that are inherently inclusive and EDI-informed, reflect modern Canadian perspectives, ideas, and values, and meet people where they are by harnessing the power and accessibility of media and digital storytelling

This had brought us exciting work with a variety of global brands and organizations, including Meta, Google, Ben and Jerry's, Kids Help Phone, University Health Network, Ontario Federation of Labour, Mosaic International South Asian Film Festival, Race to Dinner, Digital Health Canada and the Yukon Government.

Our Collective is a network of value-aligned entrepreneurs, creators and change agents that collaborate and co-conspire to bring your organization thoughtful solutions

Good Trouble Studios is part

of the Group Project Initiatives ecosystem.

At the heart of Group Project Initiatives lies a collective calling: to transform our society’s culture of apathy and overwhelm into a culture of care.

By creating ways that help invite and inform, educate and empower, and rest and recharge, we believe we will nurture a culture of care — for ourselves, our community and our shared futures.

We know that the pursuit of a more just and fair world will not be solved in a silo. We need third spaces, away from work and home, that foster opportunities for intergenerational, interdisciplinary and intersectional conversations, learnings, ideas and problem-solving.

We know that the world’s problems will not be solved by a single person but by a collective force. Ours is a group project, and we must work together on the assignment of our lifetimes.

At Group Project Initiatives, we aim to create delicious invitations into third spaces that are grounded in community and foster an environment where engagement flourishes, empathy prevails, and every individual feels empowered to do their part of our collective assignment in a pragmatic pursuit of our personal and collective liberations.

Formerly called On Canada Project Inc. | Learn More Here